Eda Wolf


WHO: Eda Wolf is Dea Juris and Emiliano Flowerman.

WHAT: Electronic Pop Music – Fuelled by fly kicks and nerdy synthesizer websites.

WHERE: Brooklyn, New York. But Dea comes from Finland, where Salmon Soup is apparently a thing.

WHEN: January 2014 – Present. That’s a long time for only one official release, right? Don’t worry, Spring Came Slow this year…

WHY: They’ve been writing and performing successfully for four years and haven’t killed each other yet.

HOW: Painstakingly. But people say that the best stuff takes a while.


“Every element within this track is intricately compiled to blend from one to the next. And the vocals? Angelically heart-wrenching and lush. All in all, this duo has the finger on the pulse of what’s fresh and gripping in today’s electronic R&B genre.” – Indie Shuffle

